Friday, February 10, 2017

              Business as usual in the Middle East seems to comprise of the violence and terrorism that most of us hear about in the news.  An interesting aspect that I found is though there is much turmoil in this part of the world, there are still organizations and councils that work with the EU.  One group, the Middle East quartet, is comprised of the U.S., EU, Russia, and UN and have strived to resolve the conflict between Israel and Palestine.  Any time a resolution is purposed, any country or group of countries, such as the EU, must either contribute financial, physical, or informative support to the region, which all cost money.  The advantage that the EU has is that they can spread the strain of resources over their member nations so long that the vote approves of the measures that are purposed to be put into place. With resources, such as oil in the region, the Middle East is always a topic of conversation in the global society and though many people would like to believe it is because of true feelings of support for peace, I believe that the real reason for a want of stability in the region comes back to resources that these countries have to offer and at what price they (the supporting nations of “peace”) can get those resources.

1 comment:

  1. Informative reading. Do you know if the participation between the members of the Middle East Quartet the same? Or does each member of the Quartet contribute a different amount?
