Thursday, April 13, 2017

Looking at the Middle East as a market to enter in the retail aspect may be harder than one could imagine.  Using the data collected from NRF, I was able to determine that there were only three companies that have their origins in the region.  They hail from Turkey, UAE, and Saudi Arabia.  That’s three out of the top 250 retailers globally ( However, for two alias of Syria, Russia and China, it might be easier for them to enter the market.  Of the 250 global retail leaders, 13 of them hail from these two countries.  Still, that is only 6.4% of the top retailers in the world that would even consider doing business with these countries just based on global military positioning.  It’s an interesting topic to see if the countries that back Syria are concerned with their economical position or if it is strictly based on their weapons capabilities and positions in the Middle East.

Source: C. (2017, January 16). 2017 Global 250 Chart. Retrieved April 12, 2017, from


  1. I am betting that with the amount of current turmoil the risk assessments that are going to be done are going put an extreme to the risk title. I can see why. The political possibility of losing a government and massive death in the region will cause people to hesitate with any investments in the region.

  2. Investing in a region that is a largely a war ridden area, is never a safe investment and is tough for companies to import, export, and navigate their local economies. With the current state, I am willing to bet we will not see their companies grow from the current 13 located their and would not be shocked if those companies relocated.

    1. I completely agree, and was about to say the same thing.
